sm.corrupted.msg0=Session Manager cannot load its database from corrupted session.rdf.
sm.corrupted.msg1=The file session.rdf will be deleted, a copy can be found in session.old in your profile. sessions backups are in <profile>/sessionbackups
sm.areYouSure.msg=Are you sure you want to continue?
sm.canChooseStartup.msg=You can choose a session to be your new startup session from the list:
sm.addtoStartup.title=Session Manager - Add to Startup Session are about to add window(s) to your startup session:
sm.addtoStartup.msg.tabs=You are about to add tab(s) to your startup session:
sm.sessionName.title.saveprevious=Session Manager - Save Session
sm.sessionName.title.savethiswindow=Session Manager - Save This Window
sm.sessionName.title.saveallwindows=Session Manager - Save All Windows
sm.sessionName.msg0=Enter Session Name:
sm.sessionName.msg1=Name must be at least one letter or number.
sm.sessionName.msg2=This name is already in use!
sm.sessionName.msg3=Are you sure you want to replace the session?
sm.sessionName.button0.label=Rename Session
sm.sessionName.button1.label=Don't Rename
sm.removeAll.title.session=Session Manager - Delete All Saved Sessions
sm.removeAll.title.closedwindow=Session Manager - Delete All Closed Windows
sm.removeAll.msg0=Are you sure you want to delete all your saved sessions?
sm.removeAll.msg1=If you choose 'Delete' your startup session will be the 'Last Session'.
sm.removeAll.msg2=Are you sure you want to delete all your closed windows?
sm.sessionMenu.last=Last Session
sm.sessionMenu.lastDefault=Last Session - Default
sm.sessionMenu.lastgood=Last Good Session
sm.sessionMenu.previous=Previous to Last
sm.sessionMenu.crashed=Crashed Session
sm.afterCrash.title=Session Manager - Restore after Crash
sm.afterCrash.chkbox.label=Enable Session Manager
sm.afterCrash.msg0=Your last session Crashed!
sm.afterCrash.msg0.again=Your last Crashed session Crashed again!
sm.afterCrash.msg1=Choose session to restore from the list:
sm.afterCrash.msg2=Choose how to continue
sm.afterCrash.msg3=Session Manager is currently disabled, if you enable Session Manager, you will be able to restore crashed sessions, closed sessions, saved sessions and closed windows from the Session Manager menu.
sm.afterCrash.msg4=You can also restore the crashed session later from the Session Manager menu.
sm.afterCrash.msg5=but nothing was saved.
sm.afterCrash.msg6=but there isn't any open window in your Crashed session
sm.afterCrash.msg7=Choose window to restore from Closed Windows list
sm.afterCrash.msg8=(you can also restore closed windows later from the Closed Windows menu)
sm.afterCrash.msg9=Your Crashed session is empty!
sm.afterCrash.msg10=Session Manager did not find any sessions to restore from.